Stewardship: Week 4 – Radical Stewardship | Special Guest Speaker Rev. Clarence Mitchell

Money plays a key role in all our lives. There is not a day that goes by that we don’t deal with money! The world view on money is far different than the Biblical view. We will be exploring Biblical principles in personal finances, covering “how to save money”, “how to reduce and get out of debt”, and “planning for retirement”. We also look into and assist in preparing Wills and Power of Attorney documents. The Bible contains over 2350 verses that deal with money. It instructs us on how to manage our money, assets, and resources. The topic of money is second only to the topic of Love in the number of times mentioned in Scripture. Jesus said more about money and possessions than almost any other subject, dedicating two-thirds of the parables to this topic. 🧍‍♂️This Sunday at Cross Church we are welcoming Rev. Clarence Mitchell! He is the Stewardship Director at the national PAOC office, and he’ll be sharing about Radical Stewardship. Rev. Mitchell frequently travels throughout Canada and specializes in financial matters. He also assists people in creating their will and offers this service to our congregation at no charge.