Sermon on the Mount: Constitution of the Kingdom, Part 3 – Anger & Relationships

The Kingdom of God and the personal life of the Christian are described in the highest standards. It is a standard that is impossible for mere humans to live up to. But Jesus lived up to His own standards perfectly and then He insists that His followers also live up to these standards. Thank God that by His grace and the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we can live out these perfect standards. Jesus calls us to the highest standard of peace between one another. Christians do not call people “fools.” Christians do not hate or allow themselves to be angry at others. Christians are devoted to making peace immediately with everyone. Christians do not allow hurts and offenses to fester. Christian relationships are always marked by love and kindness, even when it is not returned. As we see here, it is easy to say, “Love one another,’ but this an impossible command to keep unless we have supernatural help from above.